The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien is a timeless classic. The unforgettable story of Bilbo, a peace-loving hobbit who embarks on a strange and magical adventure, is brought to life by Jemima Catlin's charming and lively colour illustrations in a way that will entice and entertain a new generation of readers.
Bilbo Baggins enjoys a quiet and contented life, with no desire to travel far from the comforts of home; then one day the wizard Gandalf and a band of dwarves arrive unexpe ...
The Colour Illustrated Hobbit
Tolkien, John R. R.
200 col illus
Sprache: Englisch
197 mm
ISBN-13: 978-0-00-749793-5
Titelnr.: 53694800
Gewicht: 760 g
HarperCollins UK (2017)
Harper Collins Publishing Ltd
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